Friday, February 27, 2009
desperate times call for desperate measures.
like going to the gym.
or perhaps talking more.
but then again, that really shouldn't be a desperate measure.
although I don't really know how i can go
from motormouth to mutemouth
in like. 2 seconds?
be brave nat!
joke of the week.during bio lecture huangkiat said that birds can develop new neurons during mating season
which allows them to sing new songs. (mating songs or something)
then i turn to victor and say
"so now you can sing huh." (he actually can.)
and i get a deathly glare.
but it is funny.
gym gleneagles ygh ce mug.
sounds like a plan.
posted @11:17 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
YESSSS i can finally play move along on the drums, as well as some FOB stuff
considering how i learnt it off a rock band video i must say that's not bad,
although most of the fill ins are irritating.
then again, i learn most songs by ear.
so life is good.
yesterday was PSC talk. it was an eye-opener.
and I realized that it is really. really. really. hard to get a PSC scholarship for medicine.
then again, I have never considered a career in the public service.
maybe i should think about what I want to do some more.
toblerone is gooooood. but i hate the little nougat bits that get stuck in my teeth :/
sixteenth notes on the high hat
snare on two and four
bass on one, two, three, four
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do
posted @8:09 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
if they say it isn't going to work, do they really mean it?
if they say you won't get there fast enough, will you listen?
if they say the sky's too dark, will you still run?
if they say you're mad, will you agree?
if they say it's too late, what do you do?
ORA walkajogathon. damn you need a makeover.
It's a beautiful day Sky falls, you feel like It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away
posted @9:18 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
school is fun
spa is fun
sleeping in lectures is not fun.
medsoc is fun.
i have to try harder.
slooowww down.
posted @7:58 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
one two three four five.
do you think this is contrived?
six seven eight nine ten
can i write this song again?
posted @12:26 PM
come to think of it.
life is colourful.
sometimes you get monochromatic stuff
that makes you feel lethargic
that puts you off
and other times you get technicolour
and the things you do make you remember
and make you laugh.
today what happened was uncharacteristically 4P.
not because of the planning and the details
(which amounts to something crazy)
but because of the sheer screwiness (and audacity?) of it all.
the people here have had their names replacedjust in case some people get angry haha.
stall 1 has a new vendor that sells noodles
so people were queueing up to eat noodles.
but when people eat noodles,
they dont eat them alone.
so the class guys were in the queue
and a whole bunch of j1s joined the queue
i think there were about 6 of them.
then kohi came along
with his girlfriend of course. important bit.
since i didn't know any of the j1s
and they've been hogging the canteen since forever,
i asked kohi if he wanted to come in front.
but kohi is a good and upright guy
so he declined.
of course being able to shove aside 6 j1 guys is tempting;
so kohi left the queue
and disappeared.
how surprising!
who would ever have expected kohi to reappear in front!
and asking for help to get stuff.
the look on the j1's faces was totally priceless.
the stunned/shocked kind of thing.
maybe they havent seen this kind of thing before.
and this is the kind of technicolour
the stuff that makes you laugh and smile
and makes your day :D
posted @1:42 AM
Friday, February 13, 2009
maybe it wasn't actually a cover.
maybe it's really real (what on earth is that?)
maybe i do mean it
actually i do.
but maybe...
what do i do now? hmm.
tomorrow is valentine's day.
actually it's in 20 minutes time.
and house starts in 20 minutes time too.
so i shall go and satisfy my house fix.
that reminds me. must do homework
must not sleep away the weekend
must do homework.
must not sleep away the weekend.
haha time to test my willpower.
posted @11:09 PM
Monday, February 09, 2009
I just realized both my kneecaps are sore.
That really really isn't a good thing D:
not with 2.4 trials tomorrow anyway.
11 better be a good thing to aim for.
I can't remember the last time I ate junk like crazy.
before today, that is.
who would have known that prawn crackers and nutella make good eating?
and nutella out of the jar is just wonderful.
I want to start to cycle.
but my bike is stuck in the storeroom
covered by lots and lots of other stuff.
And I'm going to dread cleaning it D:
Why am I writing in 4 line paragraphs?
No apparent reason actually.
But I am tired
and I want some sugar.
posted @9:09 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
arrrgh why am I feeling so tired.
I think i get enough sleep (5 hours a day used to be enough)
I don't over eat,
I don't kill myself running every day
at least i still get my homework done.
and at least i have time to revise and all.
why does my heart skip a beat
everytime you pass
posted @10:07 PM